Wednesday, January 2, 2019

External Libraries for Active Choices


The question 'How can I use jar-X or library-X in my Active Choice Groovy script ' is frequently asked. Using external java libraries in Groovy is one of the most useful features of the language, and so we need to explore how to easily make external libraries accessible to the Groovy scripts used to generate Active Choice parameters.

A Note on Jenkins Security

Groovy script execution in Jenkins is increasingly coming under scrutiny by the Jenkins security team. Several things that were easy to do with Groovy in Jenkins are now restricted, or next to impossible, due to security restrictions. As a result, some of the recommendations below may or may not work in future Jenkins versions and with future upgrades to the various plugins.

In later versions of Jenkins (v2.361.x and perhaps others) the approaches described below for v222.x have been blocked by security and JDK11 requirements. I will post any new information I find out, but for the time being, consider this limitation if you are trying to use external libraries with Active Choices in more recent versions of Jenkins.

External Libraries for Active Choices (Jenkins v2.222.x)

Options for Jenkins v2.222.x and earlier
There are at least three different ways we can employ to include external Java/Groovy libraries in the classpath of the Active Choices script.

  1. Configure an 'Additional Classpath' in the Active Choices Parameter Groovy script. 
    • Place the required library on the classpath folder on the Jenkins server. You can configure the additional classpath using tokenized variables accessible to the Active Choices script
    • I frequently place external libraries in a dedicated folder under the JENKINS_HOME/userContent folder. For example, a classpath to the H2 java database jar can be configured as $JENKINS_HOME/userContent/lib/h2-1.3.176.jar
    • Note that additional Classpaths seem to be discouraged in the latest Groovy Plugin. See
  2. Use Grape, the JAR dependency manager embedded into Groovy. The @Grab Groovy annotation dynamically fetches the required java library
  3. Place the required library in an external java libraries folder. Java (and Groovy) use these classpaths by default
    • In the Jenkins Groovy Console execute: println System.getProperty("java.ext.dirs")  to review what folders are used for external libraries
    • The path to all external java folders can be discovered by examining the 'java.library.path' property in the System Information link on the 'Manage Jenkins' page
    • Placing the required jar in one of the available java.library.path folders should work well for most cases and should be considered secure since you'll need admin access to have the ability to copy the jars to the appropriate location and restart the Jenkins server for these changes to take effect.

In Conclusion

As always, there are multiple ways to achieve  this programming requirement. Hopefully, one of these works for you! I will be happy to hear of other alternatives that you may discover or have used. Please, leave them in your comments and I can incorporate them in the blog entry.


  1. Jenkins Active Choices Plugin
  2. Grape dependency manager in Groovy
  3. BioUno: Jenkins and DevOps Tools for Life Sciences

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