Many Jenkins job build forms using Active Choices parameters also include dynamically generated JavaScript. JavaScript is included into the build form in either of two ways:- Directly from an Active Choice Reactive Reference parameter, returning an HTML <script> element or
- From an Active Choice Reactive Reference parameter reading a JavaScript file from the Jenkins server (either in JENKIND_HOME/userContent or JOB_NAME/BuildScipts folder of the job) and returning HTML with the file contents in the <script> element.
In addition, many job builds publish an interactive HTML build report that imports and uses JavaScipt libraries and scripts. To preserve the long term functionality for these reports (even as the custom JavaScript code may evolve) I also archive the custom JavaScript used in these forms, so each report uses a version of the script with which it was intended to work with
As an example, I use the Openseadragon.js library (for web-viewing high resolution zoomable images) in a number of build forms. A Jenkins Active Choices Reactive Reference parameter rendered as an HTML <script> element that uses the OpenSeadragon.js library to render biological images on a Jenkins Build Form is shown below:
Initially, specific versions of this library were hard-coded into the Active Choice parameter groovy scripts and the text templates.
I revised the design strategy so that we can have a single, dynamic reference to the latest OpenSeadragon library that can then be referenced and used by Active Choice parameters, scripts and HTML templates
Overall Strategy
Implementation requirements
Global Jenkins Property
The library version is maintained as a global Jenkins parameter. We will use this as the single reference that can update all other occurrences of the library. So in the Jenkins Configuration we setup a Global Variable like:OPENSEADRAGON_JS=openseadragon-bin-2.4.0
Active Choices Reference Parameter (on build form)
This dynamic parameter (code gist here) performs the following functions:- Parametrizes the JavaScript template to create the code used in the build form
- Loads the JavaScript into the build form
- Writes this dynamic JavaScript to a custom session specific WORKSPACE as the Report JavaScript (if it will be included in the build generated HTML report)
Scriptlet Build Step: Generates HTML from Template
- Parametrizes the HTML Report template
- Writes the generated dynamic HTML to an HTML Report File. (Note that in some cases the HTML Report loads and uses the JavaScript file generated by the Active Choices parameter above)
- Code gist here
Scriptlet Build Step: Copy Session JavaScipt to Job Workspace
- Copies the session specific JavaScript file to the job workspace so that it can be archived and used in the build HTML report
- Code gist here
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